N1CE Community Updates: August 27 — September 3, 2021

N1CE - The Crypto Experts
3 min readSep 3, 2021


Our main focus this week was on putting things in motion for some essential upcoming developments and evaluating our progress so far. Meanwhile, we were able to launch one of the last remaining core marketing channels, as we prepare to streamline the entire stack. Let’s recap the latest highlights in detail:


Curious to know what our priorities will be for September and beyond? Don’t waste time guessing, for we have outlined what we will be working on for the remainder of the year. Here’s what you can expect to receive updates about in the coming months:


With August already behind us, it is time to wrap it up with some key stats. Over the course of 31 we saw an incredible 22m N1CE tokens transferred and greeted a plethora of new users on the site. Find the details in our analytics extract:


Just a few more days left to take part in our latest giveaway! Don’t miss out on the chance to increase your holdings by enrolling before the 5th of September. Don’t know how? Follow this quick guide and join us in celebration of the new logo:


Over the course of the last thirty days, we have managed to accumulate plenty of relevant data when it comes to user interaction with the project. Thanks to the valuable feedback you shared with us via the form and the insights we collected from our analytics dashboards, we have the means to continue improving our marketing initiatives for the better. That is why in the coming weeks, we will work towards improving the overall experience and expand our current efforts with fresh new additions.


As part of our efforts in bringing further exposure to the project, we have successfully implemented an email automation flow. Receive timely updates and the hottest news from the N1CE project conveniently in your inbox. Just enter your email and click that subscribe button!

With this we will mark the end of our community updates. Join us next time when we will take another curious look at the latest highlights. Until then, keep an eye on our social media for more interesting stories and never miss a beat from the N1CE project.



N1CE - The Crypto Experts

A community of people who love cryptocurrencies and blockchain, with a high level of expertise they can share with others. Website: http://n1ce.community/